Greying Hair - Causes, and TreatmentGrey hair is one of the familiar sign of aging. The main cause of the greying hair is the genetic inheritance. But in half of all Caucasoid people, half the hairs on the scalp are grey by the age of 50. However, as a person grows older and reaches middle age, more and more of these pigment cells die and colour is lost from individual hairs. The result is that a person's hair gradually begins to show more and more grey. Grey Hair, gives the indication of improper protein synthesis. The pigment melanin is responsible for the change of hair colours. The pigment cells are located at the base of each hair follicle produce the natural dominant colour of our youth. The hair has a tendency to lose its natural colour with advancing age and turn grey, but premature greying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look older. The hair is an appendage of the skin. It is composed of the same kinds of cells as are found in the outer layer of the skin, which is known as the epidermis. Causes for Greying HairThe premature greying may be due to
Treatments of greying hairs:Regularly combing your hair helps improve blood circulation in the scalp and helps prevent your hair turning grey. We recommend people use both our Tan Wood Combs . For those who are worried about their greying of hair there are only a few alternatives. For one thing you can consider dying your hair with one of the many products available on the market. You should be aware that grey hair takes much longer to dye than regularly pigmented hair. Plan on leaving the dye on for the maximum amount of time specified in the instructions. There are also several home remedies that people seem to believe will reverse the greying of hair process. There are no medical facts to back this up so use caution when purchasing anything that makes such a claim. |