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Dyshidrotic Dermatitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


It is a type of dermatitis, which is characterized by redness, scaling, and deep blisters. It is also known as pompholyx. It mainly occurs on palms, soles, and sides of fingers and toes.

It is mainly associated with atopic dermatitis, dyshidrosis might represent a special reaction pattern of eczematous inflammation in the palmo-plantar localization. It is accompanied by pruritus, a burning sensation, and hyperhidrosis.

It consist of tiny opaque bumps called vesicles, thickening, and cracks that are accompanied by itching which gets worse at night. It is also known as dyshidrotic eczema or vesicular eczema of the hands and/or feet. Dyshidrotic dermatitis, is worsens in warm weather.

Causes of Dyshidrotic Dermatitis:

The most common causes of dyshidrotic dermatitis are as:-

  • Many people with atopic dermatitis also have dyshidrotic dermatitis, which may mean that dyshidrotic dermatitis is just a form of atopic dermatitis on the hands and feet.
  • The various fungal or bacterial infections may affect your foot and arm, which inturn cause dyshidrotic dermatitis
  • The scratching may leads to skin changes with thickening, which may also lead to secondary infections and thus cause dyshidrotic dermatitis.
  • Individuals experiencing emotional stress may be more likely to develop flare-ups of this disease.
  • By taking the ingestion of allergens such as chromate, neomycin, quinoline, or nickel may cause dyshidrotic dermatitis.
  • Small fluid filled blisters called vesicles appear on the hands and feet. They are most common along the edges of the fingers, toes, palms and soles. The vesicles produce intense itching.
  • In some cases, the Irritant dermatitis may also lead to the condition of dyshidrotic dermatitis.
  • When your hands or feet are excessively exposed to a skin irritant such as soap or washing powder, may affect the peoples with dyshidrotic dermatitis.

Symptoms of Dyshidrotic Dermatitis:

The possible symptoms for dyshidrptic dermatitis are as:-

  • The skin creases on the palms get increase. The condition worsens during the summer months.
  • You may have the feeling of inflammation of the skin on and around the lips.
  • The blister are commonly appear on the tips and sides of the fingers, toes, palms, and soles.
  • Blisters may itch, cause pain, or produce no symptoms at all. Fluid from the blisters is serum that accumulates between the irritated skin cells.
  • The occurance of thick, leathery skin resulting from constant scratching and rubbing of the skin.
  • The small raised bumps with pain and crust, gives indication about dyshidrotic dermatitis.
  • The fever may occur in some cases.
  • The symptoms of dyshidrotic dermatitis include itching, redness, dry/flaky skin, and even blisters.
  • The occurance of dry, rectangular scales on the skin are common during dyshidrotic dermatitis.
  • Atopic pleat may develops under the eye in case of dyshidrotic dermatitis.

Treatments of Dyshidrotic Dermatitis:

The effective treatments for dyshidrotic dermatitis are as:-

Cool compresses: By making the solution of aluminium acetate, or vinegar in water and then applied for 15 minutes four times a day. It will help in dry up blisters.

Emollients: Emollients or hand creams, eg. dimeticone barrier cream, should be applied liberally and frequently to keep the skin soft.

Topical steroid: They are most effective remedy, helps in reducing inflammation and itching. Steroid creams are used when the skin is blistered or weeping. Steroid ointments are used for the chronic dry stage.

Antibiotics: Antibiotics such as flucloxacillin should be prescribed by your doctor for secondary infection.

Dermatitis Treatment: Dermatitis is best treated if the type is known. However, there are measures that can be taken to improve symptoms even if the exact dermatitis type is not known