Alexandrite Laser - AdvantagesLasers are devices which produce an extremely high intensity light. This light differs from that produced by the sun or a light globe in its purity. Sunlight or globe light is light made up of many different types or wavelengths. In contrast, laser light is light of a single wavelength. Each distinct wavelength effects different substances and this characteristic determines the way lasers are used. The Alexandrite laser has a shorter wavelength. Alexandrite laser might offer a person long term hair reduction or even permanent hair reduction. The Alexandrite laser produces laser energy at 755nm, in the red to near infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Alexandrite lasers increase in laser gain as the temperature increases. The accuracy of the Alexandrite laser allows only a specific area to be treated without affecting any other area. It is useful for removing relatively large amounts of unwanted hair but is generally limited to treating people with relatively light skin tones and dark hair. Alexandrite laser is absorbed by melanin in skin and hair follicles. This laser works in a similar as the Ruby Laser, except that it has a greater penetration and less melanin absorption because of the slightly longer wavelength. It is found very useful for the treatment of large areas. It is found very efficient at treating brown spots and well as permanent make-up and tattoos. The Alexandrite laser is one of the newer forms of laser hair removal on the market but is also one of the most widely used laser hair removal technologies being used currently. A light-skinned, dark haired person generally sees the best results. People with light or grey hair are not considered "ideal" candidates since these two types of hair are very difficult to treat. Advantages of Alexander Laser:The main advantages of alexander laser are as:- The treatment through Alexander Laser is a painless, affordable and long lasting permanent hair removal method. It completely prevents ingrown hair problems. This laser is comparable to the QSRL when it is used to treat tattoos, particularly when treating green tattoos. Up to 50% of patients can experience textural changes in their skin after treatment. The Alexandrite laser has a versatile range of spot sizes which means that it can be customized to treat hair with different degrees of coarseness. |