Phenol Peel - Its Application and Some TipsThe strongest chemical peel, this method uses carbolic acid for deep exfoliation. It is almost never used because it is so deep, mild sedation with a local anesthetic is usually given and there are many risks. New skin forms in one to three weeks and goes from red to pink and then to normal over six to eight weeks. A full-face peel takes one to two hours; smaller areas may take only 10 to 15 minutes. Phenol chemical peels are used only on the face to correct blotches caused by sun, birth-control pills, or aging. Phenol peels will smooth out coarse wrinkles and remove pre-cancerous growths, freckles, and acne scars. Phenol is absorbed systemically and may cause ventricular arrhythmias or an irregular heartbeat. Phenol peeling is a remarkable peeling agent. Phenol peel is very effective for the resolution of sun damage and wrinkling. Phenol has a tendency to bleach the color out of the skin. While the wrinkles may disappear, all of the color of the skin tends to disappear as well. Typical patients for this procedure have a high level of photo damage and light skin color. A Phenol peel requires mild sedation, local anesthetic, and proper cardiac monitoring during the procedure. Generally, the Phenol Peel is performed at a surgery center as an out-patient procedure. Phenol is the strongest of the chemical solutions and produces the deepest peel. It is used mainly to treat deep facial wrinkles, areas of blotchy or damaged skin caused by sun exposure, or pre-cancerous growths. Applications of Phenol Peel:-
Some Tips:-Some important tips of phenol peels are as:-