Cheek Implants - Advantages of Cheek ImplantsCheek implant surgery usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes. When cheek implants are being placed in conjunction with another cosmetic procedure, such as a facelift, forehead lift or eyelid surgery, the implants may be inserted through the incisions made for those procedures. Plastic surgeons use facial implants to improve and enhance facial contours.The cheek implants, will help to provide a more harmonious balance to your face and features so that you feel better. An incision will be made either inside your upper lip or your lower eyelid. A pocket is then formed and an implant is inserted. The materials that are used for cheek augmentation are Silastic and Gore-Tex. These cheek implants are stable over time and do not reabsorb so the results are permanent. As an alternative to cheek implants, fat injections may be used to augment the cheeks, although the fat may disappear over time. A cheek lift may also be used to replace the sagging cheek fat back over the cheekbones. After cheek implant. there will be dietary restrictions as well as limitations to your activities. Again, these instructions will vary, especially if another procedure was performed along with your implant surgery. Twilight anesthesia is extremely safe compared to the standard general anesthesia techniques used today. The main advantages of twilight anesthesia are:
Advantages Of Cheek Implants:These includes:- The cheek implant is a safer solution, if your facial bone structure has never been quite right. somehow out of balance and lacking symmetry.over time you show 'sunken cheeks. They are fully symmetrical and made of solid silicone that has been precision molded. They also can help lift the corners of the mouth, reducing visible nasolabial lines and add a more triangular perspective to the overall appearance of the face, leading to a more harmonious and attractive appearance. There is no possibility of leakage of silicone material into the surrounding tissues. They are based on the same formulation as used for many decades for joint replacements, coating of pace makers and other surgically implanted devices. Although allergic reactions have been described they are extremely rare . The major advantage of cheek implants is to achieve an immediate result that is considered permanent. The results of this surgery are particularly satisfying and most patients are immediately pleased . It is never surprising when a patient returns after several months indicating that they are so delighted with the result they would like to have even larger implants installed. |