Astringents - Treating Oils Skin and Some Home AstringentsAstringents, helps to remove excess oil from skin and are very helpful for those peoples with acne or oily skin. They also induce coagulation of blood proteins. The functions of astringents are same as toners. Astringents are generally drying and may contain water, alcohol, propylene glycol, witch hazel, or salicylic acid. These may cause itching, burning, or tingling in people with dry, sensitive, or irritated skin. Astringents are remedies that have a 'binding' action on tissue, usually due to a group of complex chemicals called tannins. As saliva and other body fluids contain proteins that are in solution, tannin containing astringents cause them to become insoluble and precipitate. This produces a coating on the surface of tissue composed of the body's own protein, thus there is not problem with allergic reaction. Astringents are substances that shrink or constrict body tissues and mildly astringent solutions are used to treat skin irritation caused by superficial cuts, allergies, insect bites, and fungal infections such as athlete's foot. The main ingredients of astringent preparations may include silver nitrate, zinc oxide, calamine lotion, witch hazel, Burow's solution, tincture of benzoin, and vegetable substances such as tannic and gallic acids, catechu, and oak bark. The best way to get rid from skin problems i.e. oily skin, acne etc is that: split the leaf from an aloe vera plant and rub the gel into the skin. It is not necessary to wash it off. You can also buy aloe vera juice or gel at the health food store. It restores the ph balance and it's great as an overall natural skin care treatment. The best way to treat and prevent mild acne is to wash your skin with a gentle cleanser in the morning, evening, and after heavy exercise. Astringents, scrubs, and masks are often harsh on the skin, producing irritation that will lead to more acne. Treatment of Oily Skin with AstringentsAn oily skin actually has some advantages. As a result of excess lubrication, wrinkles do not form prematurely and skin is not much affected by wind and sunlight. However, oily skin is a magnet for dirt and grime and thus a good and regular cleansing regime is a must. If oily skin is not cleaned thoroughly and regularly, the dirt will clog the pores in the skin and blackheads will appear. An astringent helps to stop bleeding and reduce the body secretions as they cause blood vessels and tissues to contract. Shave lotions, cologne and cleansing creams are made from astringents only. Avoid rich fried foods and load up on green vegetables instead. As they are antiseptic they are helpful in treating acne. After steaming the face, wipe your face and neck with astringents. Fuller's earth, oatmeal, almond paste, or lime juice or vinegar mixed with water are excellent cleansers. The best way for the treatment of oily skin is the use of astringents as they have a tightening and drying effect on the skin. Buttermilk or beaten egg whites also have a drying and tightening effect. Parsley juice mixed with honey and a few drops of lemon or ginger is good for an oily skin. This mixture controls the secretion of oil. Tips you can try at home - Some Astringents made at HomeThe following tips are very useful for the oily skin: