Dermatology - Azelex (Azalaic Acid) - InformationAzalaic acid or Azelex, is used on the skin for the topical treatment of mild to moderate acne or rosacea and occasionally other skin conditions. The generic azelaic acid skin creams or gels are not yet available. The skin eruptions and inflammation of acne typically begin during puberty, when oily secretions undergo an increase. Azelaic Acid or Azelex is a heptanedicarboxylic acid which has antibacterial plus anti keratinizing actions. It is effective against a number of skin conditions when applied topically in a cream formation of 20%. Azalaic acid is for dermatologic use only and not for ophthalmic use. There have been isolated reports of hypopigmentation after use of azelaic acid. Azelaic acid like Retin-A is more commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions. Recently the potential effect of using azelaic acid in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia has been looked at and discussed. Skinoren or Azelaic Acid is not indicated for use in treating Androgenetic alopecia, some dermatologists and specialists use and prescribe azelaic acid as a part of the treatment of this condition, and there are a number of commercial solutions available which contain Azelaic acid for the treatment of Androgenetic alopecia. Azelaic acid or azelex has the properties of bacteriostatic and bactericidal against a variety of aerobic and anaerobic micro-organisms present on acne-bearing skin. Azelaic acid effects the hornification process of the epidermal cells and is therefore able to exert a therapeutically positive effect on the formation of blackheads, whiteheads which occur in acne.
Azalaic acid, can work with dual modes of action i.e. antimicrobial activity and normalization of keratinization, which attacks two of the major causes of acne. The majority of patients start to see improvement in their acne within 4 weeks. Local skin irritation can occur, however the irritation is less serious than benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin. Itching, burning, stinging, tingling, inflammation and redness can also occur. The possible side effects may include dryness, peeling or rash. Azelaic Acid or Azelex can cause bleaching, however it is less likely to do so than benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin. Acne lotions may dry up the oil and promote sloughing of dead skin cells. Prescription lotions may contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol or salicylic acid, or a vitamin A acid. Alpha-hydroxy products cause a mild shedding of unhealthy surface skin. Other powerful topical prescription agents for acne include azelaic acid and adapalene. There is also an acne lotion for sensitive skin called sodium sulfacetamide lotion. |