Chin Implants - Information and Materials Used for Chin ImplantsChin Implants are often performed by plastic surgeons. Chin surgery can offer many benefits to a properly selected patient. It can be a tremendous addition to nasal cosmetic surgery. The insersertion of a chin implant may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The small incision to create the pocket and insert the implant is placed inside the mouth or in the skin just under the chin area. Chin surgery, also known as mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reshape the chin either by enhancement with an implant or reduction surgery on the bone. Chin surgery helps provide a harmonious balance to your facial features so that you feel better about the way you look. While chin enhancement can be a relatively simple procedure. The anatomical design of these implants, developed by numerous clinical testings, enables the surgeons to dispose of readymade products, implantavlke without further modification. A weak chin can make a normal nose appear large and an already prominent nose seem even larger. It may also give the appearance of a 'fleshy' neck. On the other hand, a too prominent chin may give the appearance of having too small of a nose or otherwise throwing the face off balance. The end result should be a balanced relationship within the structure of the face. Chin implants can improve underlying structure of bones, and better balance the facial features for a dramatically more attractive look. This operation is often performed at the time of rhinoplasty to help to balance the facial proportions. It may be combined with facelift , liposuction or other facial implants as well. Chin implants are used to improve the appearance of your jaw line and to provide a more natural-looking break between your neck and your face. The goal of chin augmentation is to use the chin implants to give greater definition to your chin and provide balance with the rest of your face. Chin implants are sometimes performed at the same time as another operation to re-shape the face, such as a facelift. During the operation your plastic surgeon will usually make a cut inside your mouth between your lower lip and gum and insert an implant to move your chin forward. In some cases your consultant may advise that the implant is inserted through a cut in the natural crease of your chin. The implant is usually made of silicone or another manufactured material, although sometimes it is necessary to use a bone graft. Chin surgery can be performed in conjunction with other surgeries to improve the overall surgical effect. If a nose is made smaller and a chin larger, a more symmetrical face appearance can be achieved. For men, the chin, as well as the nose and brow, is a crucial structure needed to give appropriate masculine strength to your facial contour. Possessing a weak, receding chin will deprive you of the assertive, positive character to your face you really desire. For women, a weak receding chin is equally unattractive in a different way -- it deprives you of the proper artistic balance to your other facial features, especially your nose and brow. Study the chins of our most beautiful actresses, and you'll soon realize the benefit of a subtle, feminine but adequately sized chin. Material used for chin implants:The materials of choice for chin augmentation are Silastic and Gore-Tex. Because the implants rest directly on top of bone, they feel as if they were part of the bone itself. These implants are stable over time and do not reabsorb so the results are permanent. The procedure can balance a weak, or receding, chin and make a prominent nose seem less large. A weak chin can also make your neck look overly fleshy. |