Anti Aging - Some Anti Aging Tips for Looking YoungerAnti-aging therapy, is actually a combination of different therapies used to slow or reverse human aging. One of the fastest growing segments of medicine today is anti-aging and longevity medicine. Anti-aging therapies can make a difference in such inflammatory diseases and aging disorders such as: depression, anger, pain, arthritis, stress, diabetes, psoriasis, excess weight, smoking, sunburn, menopause and dementia. Anti-aging diagnostic and treatment practices are supported by scientific evidence and therefore cannot be branded as anecdotal. Anti-aging medicine utilizes an organized framework for the head-to-toe diagnostic assessment, and subsequent design of a treatment regimen. Anti-aging medicine focuses on the application of high-tech diagnostic and treatment biomedical technologies for the very earliest detection and most aggressive care of disease. The goal of anti-aging medicine is not to merely prolong the total years of an individual's life, but to ensure that those years are enjoyed in a productive and vital fashion. Tips for Anti AgingThese includes:-
Aging can happen slowly or more quickly and can occur differently in different people. Like growth spurts, it is natural to have aging spurts when there are periods of time when individual seems to age more quickly. One of the most obvious signs of aging is the changes that occur in the appearance of the skin. Retin-A and alpha hydroxy acids are the two best known topical substances studied for their effect on wrinkles. |