ND:YAGNd:YAG laser hair removal is the newest form of laser hair removal. " Nd" stands for Neodymium, and " YAG" stands for yttrium aluminum garnet. It is a compound that is used as the lasing medium for certain solid-state lasers. The YAG crystal is doped with an active medium, in this case triply ionized neodymium, which replaces another element of roughly the same size, typically yttrium. Nd:YAG lasers are optically pumped using a flashlamp or laser diodes. They are one of the most common types of laser, and are used for many different applications. Nd:YAG lasers, emit light with a wavelength of 1064 nm, in the infrared. However, there are also transitions near 940, 1120, 1320, and 1440 nm. The Nd:YAG, laser is operated in a linear amplifier mode, giving it a unique Pulse Train Mode. The rod itself is a special type of glass doped with Neodymium. It is optically clear although a tint may appear depending on doping concentration - it invariably appears violet when photographed with a flash. Nd:YAG Laser, is a non-ablative skin treatment for removing the signs of aging, wrinkles and acne scarring. Non-ablative means there is no skin resurfacing, but rather a heat-induced fibroblast stimulation to thicken the underlying collagen structure. With the non-ablative laser treatment there are fewer side effects, most often just a little swelling or pinkness. This laser is often used for tattoo removal as well as age and sun spots on the skin, but can also be used for hair removal. A carbon lotion is applied to the skin in order to penetrate the hair follicles that will be treated, the follicles absorb the Nd:YAG laser wavelengths. The Nd:YAG laser can be used for effective hair removal by all types of patients, including those who have tanned skin. The ND: YAG laser is also very effective for large areas of the body. There may be slightly more discomfort with the Nd:YAG laser than with other laser hair removal machines. |