Glowing Skin - Tips for Smooth and Glowing SkinHere are listed some of the Great Home Remedies for Glowing & Smooth Looking Skin:You can transform your dry skin into a super smooth, soft, supple, and glowing skin by using these home remedies. Mash a banana with milk and apply on face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. Cauliflower juice applied on warts regularly will make them fall. Apply the mixture of tomato juice and honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes. Take 1/3-cup cocoa, three teaspoons of heavy cream, 1/3-cup ripe papaya, 1/4-cup honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix it all together. Apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water. This is best for oily skin Apply honey on your face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. Your skin will glow and become soft and smooth. Protein's are very much essential for proper cell repair and also helps in acting like an anti-aging agent, thereby making your skin look glowing , smooth and younger. Some of the protein rich foods are - fish and many other protein-packed animal products like egg whites, skinless chicken and turkey breast. Most importantly is the infamous water drinking - not only is it necessary for our bodies to function properly, but it is by far the best and most basic way to keep our skin healthy. Latest news seems to be a min of 2L of water a day for women and 2.5L for men. To make it an easier task try slipping a few slices of lime or lemon into your water, keep a jug in the fridge, and your water will be cool, refreshing with an extra added zing. For a soothing body pack, prepare a paste of mint leaves and almonds. Mix it with warm water and apply all over your body. Leave it till it dries and rinse with warm water. Mix egg white with honey and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. For dark underarms and neck apply lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice and a pinch of turmeric daily. Leave this on for 20 minutes. Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good moisturiser for dry skin. Apply this mask for 10 minutes. For removing facial hair.. Apply a sticky paste of egg white blended with sugar and corn flour. When it dries, gently peel it off. Repeat this three to four times a week. Autumn has hit, and although we're still adjusting to the seasonal changes, our summer holidays are well and truly over, and let's face it, the next big holiday will be Christmas . How depressing is that? As the sun fades, and the days get shorter, there are still things that we can do to retain our healthy summer attitudes, and healthy summer glow. Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face . This will make your skin glow. For supple skin, apply a ripe smashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily. If you were one of the naughty majority who still managed to sneak a tan past your factor 20 sunscreen, remember that a good moisturiser is imperative to make it last as long as possible. Mix half teaspoon dried curry leaf powder with multani mitti (fullers earth) and apply on the face. Wash it after it gets dry. If, like most of us, your tan has already started to fade , and you're physically and emotionally ready to prep for winter skin, an all over body exfoliation is what you need. Add two teaspoon of tomato juice with 4 teaspoon of curd and apply on the face. For a fair skin, try this natural bleach. Mix orange peels (sun dried and powdered) with milk. Apply this paste for 25 minutes and wash off. If you have sensitive skin - soak some slices of cucumber in water for an hour. Then, mix some oats and the cucumber water together to form a paste. Cleanse and wash your face with warm water, pat dry and then apply the home-made mixture, rub gently. Finally wash off with warm water. The light exfoliation effect of the oats with the added moisturising effect of the milky paste, with the cooling effect of the cucumber water will leave you refreshed and glowing. For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Don't be alarmed if your skin tingles. Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face. Avoid doing this if you have dry skin. If you have stronger skin that needs a proper scrub down , buy some refined sea salt from your local health food store and mix it with organic cold pressed sweet almond oil. Mix in a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Water is the key to make your skin look glowing. Every person should drink atleast 10-12 glasses of water daily - this will help him in excreting all the waste products of body in the form of urine and as a result his organs and cells will function efficiently. Spring water's better than the kind from the tap with all its chlorine and heavy metals. Make a paste of one teaspoon of walnut powder, honey and lemon juice. Scrub your face with this paste and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. Prepare a mask by mixing a slice of pumpkin with egg yolk and milk. Let this mask set on your face for 30 minutes for a glowing skin. Rub a piece of papaya on your face and neck for 15 minutes. Apply the mixture of carrot juice and basin. Leave it till it dries and wash the face. Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoon turmeric (haldi) powder in orange juice. Scrub it on your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. Mix oats with honey, yogurt and ground almonds. Apply this in your face, leave it for five minutes and wash with lukewarm water. Carrot juice applied daily fades blemishes. Don't fear fat - believe it or not, some is healthy - even essential. Fats and oils can provide anti-inflammatory protection and youth-preserving antioxidants. Fatty fish provides hefty helpings of anti-aging omega-3 fatty acids; salmon, mackerel and albacore tuna are among your best bets for staying beautiful. Also tops among anti-inflammatories: extra virgin olive oil. It'll make you look lovely, and meanwhile could lower your bad cholesterol. Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it. Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Mix cucumber juice with milk and use it instead of a cleanser. |