Exfoliation - How to ExfoliateSkin exfoliation refers to the process of removing dead skin cells to allow newer, healthier skin cells to become more visible. While skin exfoliation is a naturally occurring process, most skin types can stand some help. Oily skin tends to saturate dead skin cells and makes it difficult for these dead cells to fall off naturally. Dry skin tends to let dead skin cells accumulate too quickly which can make skin look dry and dull. Skin exfoliation, will generally cause some mild irritation. One must be careful not to exfoliate excessively as it can cause skin that goes beyond irritated to inflamed. However, skin that is exfoliated properly can see a dramatic decrease in visible lines and creases as healthy skin cells are allowed to show through. A dry brush exfoliation can be done in the morning before you shower. It eliminates dead skin cells and allows the skin to detoxify. The Benefits of Oily Skin:The oily skin tends to age better than dry skin. It usually has less wrinkles per square inch than dry skin of the same age. Also, the problems associated with dry skin are often more difficult to deal with than with an oily skin type. Oily skin rarely looks chalky. It usually looks healthy and vibrant. Foundation tends to look better after a few hours on oily skin. Foundation often has a 'pancake' look or disappears on dry skin after a few hour. Once the dead and damaged skin cells are exfoliated, the outer layer of new skin becomes visible. This new skin feels softer, smoother, and reflects light easier making fine lines harder to see. The age spots and unwanted pigment are also less noticeable because the dead skin cells containing the pigment were removed. Exfoliation removes plugged pores, prevents the pores from re-plugging, and allows for the release of natural oils. In addition, regular exfoliation decreases pore size and minimizes many types of superficial scars. All of the above contribute to making the skin look tighter, healthier, and more youthful. Skin products work better with regular skin exfoliation:-After removing the dead and damaged skin cells through exfoliation of the skin, other anti-aging agents such as glycolics, alpha-hydroxys, antioxidants, and collagen boosting nutrients are better able to penetrate the skin and work more effectively. This holds true for acne medications as well as other types of skin lightening agents where penetration is important. This is an additional reason why regular exfoliation should be a part of peoples' daily skin routine. |