Daily Skin Care RoutineThe skin is the largest organ of the body.The skin helps get rid of toxins. The skin maintains body temperature. Light skin has a higher tendency to wrinkle compared to dark skin. The color and thickness of skin varies over different parts of the body. The basic thing that you can do for your skin is to wear a skin care product like sun block every day. All ultraviolet rays damage the skin. Sun-tanning will eventually make your skin thickened and tough, with irregular brown areas, wrinkles, and dilated blood vessels. Tanning can also cause skin cancers. Apply this skin care product for effective skin care when you are exposed to solar radiation. Healthy skin comes from having a good daily facial skin care routine. Your skin is able to cleanse, heal and even renew itself. Having a good daily skin care routine is very important to the health of your skin and essential step towards having a good complexion. Skin Care Routine for your Skin TypeThese includes the following steps:-
The dry skin occurs, when the dermis does not secrete enough oil, or sebum. The result is tight, drawn, flaky skin and a dull complexion. The oily skin has over-reactive oil producing glands, which makes the face shiny, especially the forehead, down the central panel of your nose and the chin. The pores of this skin type are enlarged making it prone to blackhead, pimple and acne. Oily skin needs special cleansing to keep the pores unclogged. People with combination skin have some oily skin and either normal or dry skin on different parts of their face. Normal skin has a balanced oil and water content and feels smooth and velvety, not dry or oily. Hydrate and Exercise:- Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water per day coupled with some regular exercise - walking, running, bicycling, engaging in sports - should have a great impact on one's complexion. Not only will exercise and drinking water help skin tone and texture, but it will also make you feel more energized and great about yourself. Monitor Sun Exposure:- By using a moderate strength sunscreen, you will be protecting your skin from sun damage, skin cancer , aging and premature wrinkles. Too much sun can blister one's lips, leaving them red, sore and charred. |