Makeup for Making your Eyes Look BeautifulThe beautiful eyes can be achieved by caring the eyes simultaneously. Makeup for beautiful eyes:-These includes:- Eye Shadow:-Eye shadow is meant to highlight and define the eyes. Eye shadow is used to create depth to bring out the beauty of the eyes. A dark color used on the lid will make the eye appear smaller, while a lighter color will make it appear larger. These are the basic techniques for the following eye shapes:
MascaraWhen selecting mascara, many factors come into play, with each brand's newest addition to the line claiming bigger and better benefits. From thickening to lengthening to blackest black, waterproof and curling, each mascara product has a special offering of its own. Considering your own lashes, choose one that best suits your needs. Tips For Beautiful EyesThe following tips to achieve that perfect look . Eye Shadow Apply shadow after liner for a softer, dreamier effect. Use an eyelash curler to give lift to lashes. Apply a coat of mascara to set it that way. A thick coat of mascara will add that extra effect to your eyelashes giving the eyes a hooded sexy look. Never line the inside rim of your lower lashes; this will make eyes look even smaller The beautiful eyes are the best assets a woman can have. Do take time to cater to the special care that eyes need regularly. Eat enough of Vitamin A and C. Take special care in the choice of eye make-up. Don't use make-up that can irritate and harm the eyes. Avoid spending too much time in smoky rooms and don't neglect a check-up on a regular basis. The tips for Beautiful Eyes: