Eye Lashes, Fake Eye Lashes, False Lashes, Curling your LashesThe losing an eye lash here and there happens to all of us. It is perfectly normal to lose one or two eyelashes. A new eye lash will grow back in the hair follicle and replace the old one. As a person ages their eyelashes tend to thin out, this is normal process. But, some people lose eye lashes in clumps and they do not grow back. How to Apply Eye Makeup:-It involves the following steps:-
False lashes or Fake Eye Lashes:-False lashes look real and natural, if they have soft hair, are not too thick or too thin, flexible and have a clear base strip that make them unnoticeable when worn. Fake eyelashes, are not just mere tools to enhance one's look. It functions more on how it reflects the woman's desire to focus on women's individualism and how a single stroke of fake lashes will definitely change and affect their sense of style. Choosing the colors of fake eyelashes is just the same as choosing the ideal color of mascara. Each color has to match the kind of event and the time you will be wearing the fake eyelashes. How to apply false eyelashes: Make sure all oil is off your eyelids. Curl your own lashes. This will allow your own lashes to blend in with the false ones when applied. Next mascara your natural eyelashes before applying the false ones, and they will blend in and look more natural. Never apply fake eyelashes with traces of eye shadows or eyeliners already present in the eyes. It has to be clean first before any application. How to Curl Your Eyelashes:-It includes the following steps:-